Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Legacy Of The New Deal - 1426 Words

After a time of malnutrition, high unemployment rates, homelessness, economic instability, and a president too cold and stubborn for his people, the citizens of America desperately looked for a sign of hope. The ultimate end to the Great Depression was undoubtedly World War II. However, it was FDR’s New Deal that shed the light of hope on America’s citizens. The programs of the New Deal transformed the role of the government by the implication of numerous laws in order to stop the economy from getting any worse. The New Deal came with three new main themes: relief, recovery and reform. Roosevelt himself acknowledges the importance of them in his Address in 1934, â€Å"In the consistent development of our previous efforts toward the saving and safeguarding of our national life, I have continued to recognize three related steps. The first was relief†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Doc 3). Relief being an immediate response in order to stop the problem from getting worse. Recovery was to bring the situation back to normalcy and Reform was to put things in place to make sure the problem never arises again. These new ideas transformed the role of the government and its impact on American citizens. Before the New Deal, the government had essentially no influence on the economy or providing for the people. One of the very first things the New Deal dealt with was the banking crisis. By implementing his new economic plans, FDR was able to successfully gain the people’s trust in the banking system. To fulfill theShow MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of The New Deal Essay1682 Words   |  7 Pagesthe program the New Deal, came to presidency. It was a series of social liberal programs applied in the United States in 1933-1938 in response to the Great Depression. The New Deal was focused on three main principles: relief, recovery, and reform.[footnoteRef:1] They promised to bring the country to prosperity and economically stable future. 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